The Breaking Down of the Ceiling
This week was an amazing victory for women everywhere regardless of who you are and what you believe and that's what I'll dwell on today. This week Hillary Clinton became the presumptive nominee for The Democratic Party making her the first woman to do so from either party in America. It was a victory like no other signaling that women and girls can do anything they put their mind to, including becoming a president (yay!) It is a wake up call to us girls though,a call to change our believe system. To push the social envelope, to stop being molded by society's standards of what we can or cannot do; to stop being straight jacketed. It's something we all have to fight and it's something we need to start doing. Now it's not a fight that can be won in a day but it's a fight that can be won with a combination of determination, ability,faith and individuality. A fight that being female does not make me inferior or second best, that I am not just made for the kitchen, to satisfy a man but that I am an individual with strength and dreams and the ability to make them come true just as much as a man can, maybe even better. A fight that my emotional complexity does not make me inferior but strong enough to deal with life and all it's challenges. It's a fight that I must win regardless of how many times I lose.
And Hillary Clinton and every female who refuses to be boxed in a corner is fighting that fight;her recent win is a win not just for her but for each and every one of us. A win that shows us that if we also keep on fighting we can and will win. In her last race for the White House which she lost to President Obama, she got 18 million votes and in her speech, she said that those 18 million votes were cracks in the ceiling; Cracks in a ceiling of impossibilities, imposibilities that are now possible. That a woman, if she aspires to be, can do it too.
Her claim this week as the presumptive nominee is not just a crack in the ceiling but a break down of that ceiling. It has opened doors we weren't sure could be opened, broke barriers that looked like strong walls and finally it has given a voice to girls and women, indeed to females everywhere that Yes We Can Do it!
#Historymade #proudlyfemale
Till next time.... It's