
18:17 Unknown 0 Comments

Hey there! My name is Paxton (which is not necessarily my real name). I decided a few years ago that I really liked the name Paxton because it means Peace. But then enough about my name, let me tell you about me. I am a voracious reader and writer (very lazy writer); you can check my work out on WattPad if you are interested. I love to talk and I am a crazy but fun person.
   I started this blog a few years ago because I wanted to write but as I went over some of my old posts, I discovered they were a little different from my writing now. So I wanted to start a blog where I could express myself and vent ( we all need that sometimes right?) and I remembered I created this a few years back. So basically, I am going to talk about what bothers me, the stuff we all go through as teenagers. The stuff we sometimes can't tell our parents or friends about ( it happens). I am going to talk about my struggles, my fears, my concerns, my dreams and anything that goes on in my head. What being a teenager is really all about.
  Feel free to comment, to vent too and if it's really good, I might post it. I just want to create a platform where we ( all teenagers, including me) can be true to ouselves. Being a teenager is not a curse, it is a blessing and fun times come out of it. We are teens, we are happening, tingling. We are Tingling teens.
                                                                                                       Till next time... It's 