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“There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother”. 
This is my favourite friendship quote because it shows the importance of a friend to human development.
Someone once said when I am happy, I need someone to share it with and when I am sad, I need a shoulder to cry on and that is exactly what friends are for. They are not only there to help and comfort you during life trials but they are also there to share the good times; along with your family members, friends are part of your support system.

We all have friends but then there are friends and there are friends. There are friends you can’t do without and there are those you talk to and then there are acquaintances. I have so many acquaintances but not many friends, my acquaintances are those I talk to, who help me while my friends are the ones I tell my deepest fears and secrets.
I used to have so many friends until I found out that friendship was so much more than talking, it is a relationship that you have to keep working at. And just like marriage, in a friendship it takes two to tango. It takes two people to make a friendship last forever, it takes love, determination, forgiveness, loyalty and so many other qualities.
The problem most people have is that they think they don’t have to make an effort to make a friendship work; they just want to sit and enjoy the good things that come with friendship without doing anything at all or contributing their own quota to the friendship. These makes a lot of people shy away from friendship.
Another reason a lot of people do so is because of betrayals from bad friends. And just like a heart break, a betrayal hurts. It can shatter one’s confidence in people and leave one depressed. Betrayals from close friends can be especially painful because of its unexpectedness. After a betrayal it is hard to trust people again but it is possible and you will trust again.
One of the ways to get over a betrayal is to be surrounded by friends, true friends.  True friends are like diamonds precious and rare and everyone needs at least one true friend. They may be rare but finding them brings a lot of contentment and joy. My friends are my most precious possession after my family, I love and value them so much as few as they are.
Friendship is all about finding that special person that makes you want to be a better person but if you haven’t found that person, no need to worry you will. I will mention six steps that can help you to make and maintain true friendship.
One important step is to be a friend by going out of your way for people, doing things for them and just being nice. Another important step is to make time to cultivate a friendship; remember, friendship, like a flowering plant, needs to be watered and nurtured for it to blossom- and that takes time. The third step is to pay attention when others talk and the fourth, be forgiving. Another is to respect the privacy of others, avoid possessiveness which can lead to jealousy. And lastly, be generous, show genuine interest in others, think of what you can do for them instead of focusing on what they can do for you.
So go out there and make friends and then you just might meet that special friend who sticks closer than a brother.